domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

Oil spill

As many of you have noticed we as humans are affecting the environment around us. This can be harmful but not lethal as the topic discussed today. As many of you know a few months ago( Exactly April 20) an oil spill happened in the Gulf of Mexico near Lousiana. This occured in an oil rig called Transocean Deepwater Horizon. This caught on fire but affortunately the 116 of 127 crew members that were there escaped. The total number of gallons of oil that were released to the sea were 200,000. This spill became a huge threat to humanity. First, the water became polluted. This also affests the animals that live near or in it. Some examples that appear in the website are seaguls, fish and other birds.

This oil spill is a big deal and it will have serious concsecuences. Experts know are trying to recolect some of this oil so it doesn´t spread to other coasts but this takes time and the spreading is fast. ( There are some pictures of the methods use in the link in the first pargraph.) I think this recolection is a good idea but its not very effective. This oil can´t be totally moved so there is nothing to do but stopping the oil extraction in oceans. We all have to think of the future of humans. There is a possibilty that future civilizations will not enjoy the ocean as we do, maybe the ocean will be so contaminated that it can´t be touched. Imagine that two-thirds of the Earth can´t be lived on. the occurence of this leak has to eancourage people to make a change.

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